Monday, April 13, 2009

Awesome Easter

I hope your Easter was blessed. My Easter Sunday was one of the best I've had in a long time. For the second year in a row we celebrated Resurrection Day with our neighbors. Last year was great, but this year was even better.

We started the day off by hiding some eggs all over our cul-de-sac and releasing our egg-hunters to scavenge and collect as many eggs as they could. The kids had a blast and the parents had an even bigger blast watching them move from yard to yard like a swarm of locusts. Then we had everyone over for a potluck brunch at our house. Great food, great fellowship, and everyone was there. We noticed last year that no one in our immediate neighborhood went to church on Easter Sunday. That surprised us, so this year we invited everyone to our house and we literally had everyone show up (around 30 of us).

After brunch we rounded up all the kids, sang a couple of songs, and Kim shared the Easter story using Resurrection Eggs. Very cool. If you've never seen them, check out this website. Then we kicked the kids out and plugged in a short video that compared our relationship with God to musical instruments that are either in tune or out of tune. Very simple, very profound, and a very good discussion starter. We ended up spending the better part of the next two hours sharing what a relationship with God looks like, feels like, smells like, sounds like, etc. And not just a relationship with a god, but with Jesus, the Risen One.

We shared our doubts, our failures, our confidence and peace, both those of us that are intentionally following Jesus as His disciples and those who are on a spiritual journey, but not exactly sure about the details yet. The raw reality of life unmasked among neighbors and friends was very refreshing and encouraging. We all experienced a small glimpse of what heaven on earth can look like.

My prayer is that each of our lives are in tune with Jesus. May the sweet, sweet song of our Savior be clear in our minds and in our hearts.

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