Spiritual Reproduction

Spiritual Reproduction: The Kingdom is Spreading


Early in Genesis the first humans were given a blessing by their Creator, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it.” This wonderful planet was given to us as a place to fill with happiness, joy, peace and wonder. We were given the responsibility of governing it for our King, the Creator of all.

This blessing that was given is much deeper than physical reproduction. The first humans were created in the image of their Creator and had wonderful fellowship with Him. Their blessing meant many more fruitful image-bearers running around governing God’s creation and having intimacy with Him. It was a blessing of spiritual reproduction, just as much as it was physical. Unfortunately, a lot has gone wrong since then, but our role has remained.

Those of us humans who serve the King as citizens of God’s Kingdom still have the blessing of reproducing spiritually. His plan never changed, though I’m sure it is much messier than He would have liked. Spiritual reproduction today doesn’t happen simply by having babies, but it isn’t all that difficult either. This collection of thoughts is an attempt to show the organic nature of spiritual reproduction, as it happens here on earth in our time. It isn’t a “how-to” manual, or a prescription for reproduction, but simply an attempt to describe the natural cycle of spiritual reproduction among the citizens of God’s Kingdom and to give you opportunities to practice reproducing.

This collection of thoughts is intended to be read, discussed, and explored much like a workbook. Your input is just as important as what is written and it will be greatly enhanced by going through this workbook with others who can offer their input as well.

One last thought before we begin; spiritual reproduction isn’t about making spiritual babies. Spiritual reproduction is about making disciples who are fruitful and are themselves multiplying. It is an ongoing cycle. Jesus told us to make disciples wherever we go, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything that He taught. But we aren’t alone. He also said that all authority in heaven and earth was given to Him and that He would be with us always (see Matthew 28:18-20). That is awesome! Jesus renewed God’s original blessing to reproduce spiritually just as He was preparing to leave this world. So I hope you enjoy this workbook and may God bless you as you are fruitful and multiply.

You can download a copy of Spiritual Reproduction here, or simply send an email to FellowshipProject@gmail.com and I'll get you a copy asap.

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