Thursday, November 12, 2009

Making Sense or Making Sents?

Right up front I have to give credit to a couple of people. First to Dawn for drawing my attention back to the question, "How is this supposed to work?" How is it supposed to look serving others instead of leading (lording) them? What does it look like to "be the church" instead of just "going to church?" Those are great questions and they don't have easy answers, or at least they don't have one-size-fits-all answers. I also have to give credit to my friend Jason who has done are really good job expressing what I believe are the answers to many of those questions. Jason has written a book called "Live Sent" and I have mentioned him and his ministry many times before. If you are looking for a good book to plunge you into this discussion, then I recommend reading his book first.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thoughts on Leadership - Part 2

Well I didn't intend on waiting a month between these posts, but as you know, stuff happens. The good news is that I've had more time to think and reflect and learn new things about Leadership since the last post.

In the past few months I have had one particular statement and theme repeat itself quite a few times. Just a few days ago it was repeated again. Eric Voelz was a guest at our local Reproducing Churches gathering here in Ocala. Eric is a missionary Bible teacher who lives in Sweden. One statement he made was that we (church leaders) tend to find natural leaders and try to make them into servants, but what Jesus did was to call servants into leadership. Neil Cole said something very similar at the Live Sent Conversation. My paraphrase of what he said: We look for leaders who will serve, but God looks for servants who will lead.