Friday, January 23, 2009

Walking Jesus

A good friend of mine sent this to me a couple of days ago and agreed to let me share it with the rest of you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Over the past few weeks I have been reading a book by John Eldredge called ‘Walking with God’. The author talks about 3 levels of a believer’s walk: 1) being a believer 2) being an obedient believer and 3) having an intimate relationship with God. During my reading I began to think about this and I believe that in my life being an obedient believer must be further defined or divided. At first we learn to be obedient to His Word, following his commandments. Second, we learn to be obedient in spiritual things and spiritual decisions of our lives after seeking and hearing from Him. But there is a third step or level of surrender. Not just surrendering to God’s will that is made known to us in His Word, or even His will that is made known to us about spiritual decisions, but to be completely yielded to our Father, to be a living sacrifice, we must also seek his will in the rest of our lives – even the parts that seem to be mundane or normal, like what are we going to do this weekend or on our next vacation. This changes our mindset from seeking Him in preparation for and while we are doing Work, to seeking him always. Obviously as we yield more and more of our lives becoming more obedient, we become more and more intimate with our Father.

I have realized something since being back in the states about walking Jesus. Overseas your entire life is ministry because every time you step out of your door you are in the middle of lostness. Going to the store or to dinner you are walking Jesus among the lost. Overseas you are more focused and more dependent on God, but here in the states it is so easy to separate or segment our lives – now I’m doing my to-do list and running errands versus now I’m doing ministry. I’ve been guilty of not walking Jesus at all times, and I’ve realized that this is a part of my life that has not been yielded to Jesus.

Some quotes of John Eldredge about knowing God:
“An intimate conversational walk with God is available and is meant to be normal.”
“Intimacy with God is the purpose of our lives.”
“The goal of our existence is to know God, love Him and live our lives in an intimate relationship with Him.”

Leroy Light

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