Monday, October 27, 2008

Impending Doom

How do you react when you feel like a disaster is inevitable? Most of us get disillusioned and even disgusted. We feel a lot like the people standing outside of Noah's ark watching the floodwaters rise. We know we should do something, but what does it matter? Destruction is coming so why should we even try? If that is how you are feeling these days with all the financial problems that our economy is in, or if that's how you feel about this upcoming election, or maybe for a totally different reason, I want to offer you a ray of hope.

What is something we can do no matter what the circumstances, no matter what the sitution, no matter how disastrous it seems? We can pray! Never forget that we have the privilege of communicating with the Creator and Sustainer of all life any moment that we have the desire to. No matter what our needs are, no matter what has happened today, we can (and should) always come to our Father in heaven. What's the use if we are facing impending doom? First of all, if we know Jesus as our Lord we are never facing impending doom. Secondly, those are the moments that we are most childlike and most need to come to our Father for support, protection, and encouragement.

Maybe we don't know how to pray in this situation. No worries; the Spirit will pray for us, in us, through us. Jesus' first students didn't know how to pray either, so they asked him. The model that he taught them is still amazing and powerful today. He told them to pray to the Father, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Wouldn't this world be a better place if it was run like heaven? That is a profound prayer. It is simple, it is powerful, and most importantly, it is already being answered.

I have to thank author and speaker Jack Taylor for this next incredible thought. Something else is impending. Something wonderful. God's Kingdom is coming! It is coming, but am I fighting the inevitable, or am I praying with God, "Your kingdom come?" Am I actively praying for God's Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven? Am I asking for it to happen now? Am I actively participating in the process of restoring this earth to the place of grace that it was intended to be? It is coming. We do believe that, don't we? If so, then let's start acting like it by pleading with God that His Kingdom comes quickly and that He would use us to make it happen.

Don't get caught up in the gloom and doom politics or economics, or anything else that our enemy can throw at you. Remember to pray. Remember our Lord. Remember His Kingdom is coming. It is near. It is within us.

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