Monday, September 22, 2008

The Post Office

I had a great time at a conference this past week in Orlando. The conference was called Blossom and was hosted in part by I was reminded of many great truths and learned a bunch of new things and connected to other Christ followers that have a heart for Jesus and His Church. Over these next few days and weeks I am going to share a few of the things that God impressed on me throughout this conference.

The most powerful image that I took away from the conference was the image of the post office. (Click here to see a video.) That may not seem too powerful to you, but let me explain why it hit me the way it did. God sent His message of love and hope and Good News to the world and delivered it in person. Jesus hand delivered the message of God's love to the world. He was the Message. The message of the Gospel was then written on the hearts of those that love and follow Jesus (see 2Corinthians 3). Jesus said to His followers, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." (John 20:21) One of the most crucial roles of the Church is the role of the post office. Post offices receive letters and messages, sort through them, and deliver them to people all over the world. The local church is to be a place of sorting and sending the letter carriers of God's message. We are a sent people and our local church is our post office. Awesome!

If you are interested in reading more about living as a sent people you can check out Jason Dukes' blog at May God bless you richly as you carry the Message of Christ to the world.


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