Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New 2x2 Training

Hey everyone! I sure have dropped the ball on keeping you up to speed with what is going on with the Fellowship Project, but I'm ready to start making it up to you. First of all it's good to have my wife back from Africa and school back in session, at least sort of back in session. Kim had a great time and was really blessed with the opportunity to return and visit with some friends in Africa. Once Tropical Storm Fay has moved on we will be able to have the kids really back in school. This year Kim and all three kids will be at the same school so we are glad to have everyone located together.

As far as the Fellowship Project is concerned there are actually a bunch of things going on, but I'll just give you a couple of highlights. First, we had a team from Sparr Baptist Church come and do a Backyard Bible Festival in our neighborhood just before school started back. It went really well and I've gotten some great feedback from our neighbors on how much they appreciated that team coming and spending their day with the kids in our neighborhood. Thanks for your service and love for people.

Secondly, we will begin our second cycle of 2x2 Training this Tuesday, August 26. I am really excited about our training this time around for a whole bunch of reasons. I feel like I have a bit better grasp on what it is that we are trying to do and why we are doing it. We have a family that is going through the training a second time and will be leading portions of it. We have some new faces that are from a different church so our influence is expanding. And some of the families in my neighborhood have begun to meet occasionally for worship and spiritual discussions so that is very encouraging. In addition to all that I will begin to share with local churches a "seminar" version of the Fellowship Project which will explain the why's, how's and who's of Fellowship Project and Indigenous Church Planting.

Please keep those individuals going through the 12 weeks of training in your prayers as well as those local churches which are going to host a seminar and which are sending their members for training. If you have any questions about 2x2 Training, Indigenous Church Planting, or the seminar that I am presenting please feel free to respond to this blog, or send an email to or call me at 352-425-9832.

May God bless you richly as you follow our Savior in loving and serving those around us.

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